Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Sweet! Cool Capture!"

Hey guys, I would really like U all to look at this picture. Its so weird U know. I don't know what wrong with my phone at the moment. Its actually two different picture binded together pixelly. I don't know how or why but it just happend. Ha ha! I took the first picture and quickly shut the camera then I open the shutter once more and took another picture, alast this picture came out and in amazement I thought, "sweet! cool capture!"


Unknown said...

Cool pic dude..
wish my camera is fucked up like ur camera..Lol

harishrasydan said...

it was my phone camera~
dpropped too many tymes alrd laar~

k07_resh said...

whoA.. never seen that before man.. what phone u using? Pls say its sony ericsson

harishrasydan said...

sony ericsson k810i~

Hafyzdinh Hadin said...

2 pix combined and ended up like that???
i wanna drop my phone too... =P

harishrasydan said...

haha!, seriously, u don't want it to happen~