Monday, February 2, 2009

What Is This? This Is Bullshit!

Hey guys, I think I'm going to start a documentary regarding my phone. I guess after a long time its condition is getting worse and its functions are going kaput. I don't quite know whats wrong with it but I think its just trying to tell me to get a new phone. U want to know why I said that. Here's why, look at this picture. 

From now onwards, I'll be documenting its journey to breakdown, starting from its camera. As U can see, there is certainly something wrong with it. I will upload more 'abominations' like this one if I manage to capture it.


Hafyzdinh Hadin said...

actually,ur camera is quite unique man...
u can sell it to the museum...

Unknown said...

Damn dude..
Ur fon got some serious issues..
Y dont u send it to the shop to repair or smtg..

harishrasydan said...

I also dunnoe what tot do reddi~

Kim Kartikah Lee Ismail ( kentutkecil) said...


muhammad zaid adha said...

aku bg fon aku kat kau arkh.

kau an dh ade awek.

kang fon rosak ta bley msg.


harishrasydan said...
